Monday, April 17, 2017

The End, Finally in Sight

Finally, WAMU’s 1A has joined the Resistance (today, 11:00am - Noon) Truncating Trump: Is Impeachment Plausible?.

Guess I was only a few months premature in calling for Trump's removal as so called "President of the United States of America". As MLK, Jr. once said, in a famous speech: “How long can a people be expected to endure… not too long.” Different “people”, different topic, time, and place, but if the metaphor fits, use it!

Herr Drumpf and his ill-fated Administration could still hang on to see his (and its) first (and only) 100 Days in Office. President Mike Pence? Not likely--he'll be allowed to honorably resign, or, if need be,  maybe be "found" to be culpable in any of the many impeachable "High Crimes and misdemeanors" of his dear friend, The Donald. President Paul Ryan? Definitely! Congratulations, Mr. [soon to be] President--God speed and good luck... 

See you at the Impeachment Hearings in the House of Representatives and/or--after the Articles are ratified--the Conviction Debate in the Senate...