Sunday, January 21, 2018

Trump at One Year

When I started this blog in January 2017, and first published it a day before the Inauguration, I would not have imagined that Donald Trump could last in Office a year. It is a testament to the greed, opportunism, and moral bankruptcy of the Republican Party that they continue to tolerate and enable this lunatic demagogue.


There is some good news. My and others’ assertions that there would be no pivot to Presidential behavior, a regular claim of Trump’s apologists during the campaign, have been confirmed. Except for his Supreme Court nominee and the ‘Tax Reform’ fraud just enacted, Trump and his Republican enablers have had few legislative victories. The Republican attempt to ‘Repeal and Replace’ the ACA with a fraudulent bill failed. Many of Trump’s executive orders have been successfully challenged by an independent Judiciary. Mueller’s investigation is methodically closing in on Trump, as people around him plead guilty and co-operate. Although Trump ‘won’ an electoral college that over-represents mostly Red low-population States, he lost the popular vote by a 2.9 million vote plurality. He never received the support of most Americans, and within weeks of taking office had lost the support of all but the 30-something percent mostly lunatic base that won him the Republican nomination. [See Figure 1.] Finally, people inside his Administration and across the Civil Service continue to resist, contradict, and countermand Trump’s statements and actions, not to mention leak damning information to a still independent and free Fourth Estate.


But there is plenty of bad news. Fear of Trump’s base has kept Republicans in Congress from moving to Impeach him, despite his obvious mental illness and unfitness to serve as President. The continued warnings of many mental health professionals, that Trump is profoundly mentally disturbed and would become more erratic and impulsive as the pressures of the Office, Special Counsel and Congressional investigations, close in on him, has proven correct. And, of course, Trump is doing real damage to the Nation, ignoring Russian interference in the 2016 election, eliminating needed regulations, ignoring science-based concerns like Climate Change, threatening our international allies and enemies, demonizing scapegoats, undermining the ACA, destabilizing the Health Care system, and dividing the County to the brink of Civil War...

Figure 1. Trump Actual and Predicted Approval/Disapproval for First Year in Office

[Please read the full 1,845 word formatted document, with footnotes and links]

[Excerpts from the rest of the document, Trump at One Year:]


Trump is still unfit to serve as President and a Clear and Present Danger to the Nation and planet. He still suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder. He is still incapable of becoming Presidential and/or appealing to most Americans. He will continue to tweet, speak, and act like the mental and emotional cripple he is. He will keep playing to and feeding his lunatic minority base and dividing the Nation, to stay in power at least until the Republican majority in Congress is removed by the voters in the 2018 midterms, and a Democratic Majority Impeaches, Convicts, and removes him from Office in 2019; or failing that, the voters vote Trump out in 2020. As my Trump Impeachment Clock of January 7, 2018 indicated, Trump won’t be leaving Office anytime soon. [See Figure 2.] ...

Figure 2. Trump Impeachment Clock


I’m as surprised and disappointed as anyone, but barring an Act of God—unlikely since there is no God, we and the Republic will have to endure this madman for at least another eighteen months.