Trump actually avoided attacking Bret Kavanaugh's accuser, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, for a few days. But he inevitably returned to form, displaying his malignant narcissist pussy grabbing ignorance concerning women and sexual assault. See Trump: If Kavanaugh's alleged attack 'as bad as' Ford claims, charges would have been filed.
It's been a while since I've posted a rant on YouTube, so here are the latest:

Kavanaugh Inspired Anti-Patriarchy and Rich White Male Privilege Rant, Part 2
The War on Patriarchy [Excepts from #TimesUp? Maybe]
Patriarchy has been dominant for at least ten millennia, all recorded history. For most of that time, women and a few men have waged a Cold War against it, in their personal lives and homes, and less often in the public space. Beginning in the 1900s, the Suffrage Movement took it on directly in Europe and America. On August 26, 1920, the 19th Amendment to the Constitution was finally ratified, enfranchising all American women and declaring for the first time that they, like men, deserve all the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. Four decades later, the Women’s Movement in the 1960s established more rights, including the right to an abortion. That’s were things have stood for another five decades. Rich—and even not so Rich—White Male Privilege has persisted.
The ‘election’ of Donald Trump, a reactionary misogynistic lunatic demagogue, in November 2016 by an archaic Electoral College—while he lost the popular vote by a 2.9 million vote plurality to Hillary Clinton—was a clear threat to women. The day after his inauguration, over a hundred thousand women and their men allies took to the streets in Washington DC, joined by millions of women across the nation and around the world, launching The Trump Resistance.
Many men were emboldened by Trump’s unlikely and unanticipated election, but women had finally had enough. Within months, women starting coming forward with accusations of sexual abuse, bringing down powerful men in all walks of life. The #MeToo movement took off. Of course, a Right-Wing backlash was soon launched.
Soon after the early successes of the #MeToo movement, a second movement began. It naively assumed that women simply coming forward against their sexual oppressors would end patriarchy. The Right immediately recognized the threat of this movement.[1] So, now the millennia long gender Cold War has become a Hot War.
My book will be published by Black Lacquer Press later this year. It's a patriarchy deconstructing and demolishing Trojan Horse, written by a very spiritual but irreligious Secular Humanist, making the case that the Man – Woman problem has obvious origins and can be resolved if men accept that women are problematic because they are so different from us and we need them more than they need us. I also try to convince women that they still need us, at all, and should help us and give us a little more time to “get it”.
[1] #MeToo
and Time's Up Founders Explain the Difference Between the 2 Movements — And How
They're Alike –
Steve Bannon says 'Time's Up' is 'the single most powerful potential political
movement in the world' –
Make no mistake, my dear sisters. Patriarchy and Rich White
Male Privilege are about naked power.
People who have power do not give it up
voluntarily. Powerful interests will fight to defend the status quo, especially
this fundamental aspect of it for millennia.
This will be a War. A real
war. There will be casualties. There will be massive collateral damage. People
will die. Women will take most of the risks, and experience most of the consequences.
It is sad, unfortunate and unfair. But social revolutions are rarely bloodless.
And this one will be far from bloodless. Many men, not just the powerful ones, will
defend patriarchy almost to the death. They will certainly be willing to
suppress, demonize, demagogue, and kill to defend their privilege. Sell-out
women will join them, seeing sexism as something they have and can gain from,
if they support it and powerful men. Just like Uncle Toms who see racism as
something they have and can gain from, if they support it, Trump, and his
morally bankrupt Republican Party.
This War will not be brief. We will not win this war with anonymous
accusations. We will not win this war by ‘understanding’ the people who support
patriarchy, or reasoning or compromising with them. We cannot win this war with
emotional or moral appeals or by being nice...
I published this article on LinkedIn on September 20. Read the entire article by clicking the link in the Section heading above.
Why Women Are So Problematic: A Memoir and Irreverent Whimsical Polemic

The book, started in August 2002 and 'almost finished' in 2006 and 2011, languished for years. Unfortunate life events interfered. But Trump's unlikely and unexpected 'election' and the Marches in Washington,DC and nation-wide the day after his inauguration by enraged women and many allied men inspired me to finish and publish the damn thing.