Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Dear Friends

Dear Friends: 1,690 of you, on Facebook; 264 on LinkedIn, and a mere 31 on Twitter, if these social media sites are to be believed. Now that we are gathered here: there is much work to be done. President Paul Ryan, when he is inevitably sworn in—probably later this year—will need all our help, support, and if you are a Believer, prayers. The madness is ending, our Republic saved by:

(1) an independent Free Press (all mainstream News Media, especially, my favorites: the Washington Post, CNN, and NPR);

(2) a soon redeemed Republican Party, drunk for a brief time, with a lust for power—fueled in no small part by 8 years of a [somewhat] Black man in the White House, not as a waiter, servant, or Secret Service member, but as President of the United States of America—that compelled them to strip naked and get in bed with Satan himself, but now, driven, by self-interest, to claw their way back to our shared reality and remove Trump, his lackey, Pence, and their neo-Nazi (oops, I mean Alt-Right, my bad) enablers and hangers on;

(3) a moribund Democratic Party, roused to full awareness by a shared near death experience with the Nation they finally realize they actually do care about;

(4) an Independent Judiciary Branch, not populated with Hispanic, Black, Jewish, [insert any other Trump-labeled/libeled out group here] ‘so-called’ Judges, but with Patriot American Jurists, all—at least when the real shit hits the fan, and something/someone threatens our very way of life, who are rising to neutralize the threat;

(5) the Affordable Health Care Act, a radical health care act vilified and derisively labeled ObamaCare by his Republican Haters for 8 years; already so imbedded in our flawed National Health Care system that it cannot be excised without bringing that entire system down with it: brilliant, Barack Hussein Obama; respect man, and thank you, Mr. President… and finally;

(6) by We the People, a plurality—by about 3,000,000 votes over those who voted for Trump in November 2016—who saw thru the fraud and threat that is Donald Trump, from the start; now joined by, according to the most recent Gallop Tracking Poll numbers, almost all Independents who should have known better, and at least a few still thinking Republicans.

The 36 percent who, inexplicably still support Donald Trump, at least the intellectual, if not actual, heirs to the same percent who opposed our Independence from the British in 1776 and/or never accepted their defeat before the righteous might of the North against a renegade Slave-holding South in 1865 and ever since: We do not need them or their consent, to restore our Nation to the greatness it never “lost,” their insane alternate reality notwithstanding. In fact, our commitment to diversity and inclusion will continue to embrace them—often willfully ignorant, racist, and/or fascist leaning, misguided, and dangerous fellow citizens that they are. Because, among other things, as Secular Humanists or truly religious people, we believe in reason and/or grace (reason by another name, perhaps, if you believe in a personal God, unlike me); either of which offer the possibility of redemption. Like my Facebook icon says: Love Trumps Hate.

As I said at the onset, there is much work to be done; much damage to repair; and many truly injured fellow citizens (of our Nation and our Planet) to be made whole, again. So, let us begin, together…


Andrew Paul Schettino, (Rockville, Md) Founder, The Sentient Being Group, Inc (right now, still a fiction in one man’s mind—a dream or, maybe, a vision—but soon, perhaps, a reality…)

This document endorsed by: Anthony James Schettino, (Boyds, Md) and Valerie Ann Higgs, (Rockville, Md) before publication. Several others received an invitation to do so, but on very short (3 hours) notice.

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