six months ago, a madman was inaugurated before a not very large crowd, in
Washington, DC. Before we look at the unfathomable last six months, let’s
remember how it all began.
Hussein Obama: a great President, husband, father, and high functional,
intelligent, self-reflective and self-assured, egalitarian, and compassionate
human being—all the things Donald Trump is not—finished his second term in
Office. Who would have thought that a backlash against this descent, frankly not very Black, African American would
compel a small, racist segment of the population [usually absent from the
voting booth] to not only vote, but provide the margin to "elect"—via
an antiquated Electoral College that over-represents low-population Red[neck]
States—a mentally ill, demagogue madman to Office as his successor?
Six Months with Little to Show for It
Trump’s low approval numbers are unprecedented:
On key campaign promises, little to show for it:
We’ve had Ulysses S. Grant's two terms as President of the
United States (1869–1877), with its many scandals and fraudulent activities, too
numerous to list, and President Warren G. Harding’s Teapot Dome Scandal
(1921-22). [I know, History is hard. Just Google
their names, Millennials.] Trump makes these famously corrupt men look like ethical guys:
Of course, if you’re Fortune
magazine—with your Corporate and/or Rich readers hoping for a fat tax cut—and squint
really hard, you can find Trump “successes”:
Still Crazy, Tweeting, and Not Very Presidential
If you look at Trump’s ineffectual efforts as the good news,
the bad news is that he is, if anything, crazier now; tweeting more and
stupider stuff; and getting less Presidential every day, sometimes, every hour.
Poor Donald. Trump is full of self-pity, and generally doesn’t
understand that he is the problem:
Recent insane tweet 1 -
Recent insane tweet 2 -
Recent insane interview -
What Now?
Remember when after a brutal Presidential campaign, the
winner was gracious in victory, promised to be the President of all Americans, praised
his opponent and reached out to his opponent’s supporters; and the loser was gracious
in defeat, and called on his supporters to join him in supporting and wishing
the new President-Elect success? [Male pronouns used here acknowledge these
were all men until the 2016 race and Hillary Clinton.]
Remember when Presidents were emotionally secure enough that
they never opened Cabinet Meetings
talking on and on about how they are the most awesome President in History,
followed by each Cabinet member competing to see who could be the most honored
and humbled to serve such an awesome, powerful, competent, and manly Savior of
the Nation; or the most obsequious and loyal?
Remember when the Presidency was an honorable Office, not a
platform for self-promotion, enrichment, or aggrandizement. When it was about
the Nation, not the person holding the Office?
Remember when reality and facts were not disputable constructs,
but were reality and facts?
Remember when Presidential Spokespersons mostly told the
truth, or at least didn’t deliberately lie while they emphatically asserted they
were not lying?
Finally, remember when our Presidents asked use to sacrifice,
be our best, and serve the Common Good or at least a shared vision of America?
Those days—from my birth in 1950, sixty-seven years ago, until the unlikely split-decision election
of Donald Trump in November 2016—are gone. (Split decision in that he
lost the popular election by almost 3,000,000 votes, but won the Electoral
College, which over-represents small, low-population Red[neck] States.)
In the so-called Era
of Trump: no Presidential outrage is out of bounds; bullies are victims; the
few—privileged, advantaged, and powerful—are favored over the People and the
Common Good; and an unshakable 35% lunatic base is a governing majority.
This is more than unusual.
This is more than unprecedented. This
is not
funny, entertaining, or even pay back against The Elites. This is very dangerous; it is authoritarianism. This is
the rise of a seriously mentally disturbed demagogue, with nationalistic delusions
of grandeur, to the highest Office in the land.
It is past time for real patriots—whatever sub-set of
Trump’s base, still functioning human beings with a soul—to come forward and
give the Republican’s in Congress the courage to Impeach, Convict, and remove
from Office in well-earned disgrace, our Lunatic-in-Chief [and, optionally, his
morally compromised, Hoosier idiot, ass-licking lackey, VP Mike Pence].
Don’t do it for me. Do it because you know it is right. Do
it because you see the clear and present danger Trump represents. Do it for
you, your children and later descendants, and the future of our Nation.
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