Monday, August 14, 2017

Reap the Whirlwind - The End Game is Nigh

Neo-Nazis armed to the teeth are not exercising their free speech rights. Free speech is not limitless. Sedition is a crime. Had we finished this the first time a hateful minority, clinging to an untenable Slave-based Past, sought to split the Union and stop the march of History and the Future, at the end of the Civil War in 1865, instead of letting the surviving Confederate forces disarm and go home, we would not have to re-litigate the Civil War now, in 2017. This time, 152 years later, there must be no premature peace, no disarming and sending them home. As we are now forced to face the biological, cultural, and intellectual descendants of the original Confederates, we must abandon Obama's naive belief in One United States. This cancer of hate must be surgically removed from the body politic once and for all. This time, the original General Sherman solution, using a mighty Union Army, its ranks swelled by former slaves who fled or slaughtered their masters and took up arms, will be followed to the bitter end. No peace, no solace, no quarter, until every last Trumpian hold-out dead-ender is literally dead.

"They that sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwind", originally from the Book of Hosea in the Hebrew Bible (Hosea 8-7). You can find it in your humbly titled “Old Testament,” the heavily edited and redacted version of the Hebrew original, my Christian Brothers and Sisters. [Google Hubris if my sarcastic “humbly” went over your head.]

See Reap the Whirlwind

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