Friday, October 13, 2017

The Coming Revolution--Bloodless or Bloody; Their Choice

We are approaching the 100th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution, (aka the Great October Socialist Revolution in Trump’s dear friend—and 2016 campaign co-chair, Putin’s Russia), when The Masses in Russia rose up, overthrew, and killed their Filthy Rich 1%ers. Hopefully, the Filthy Rich in America—their unlikely campion, our spiteful, petty, and hateful lunatic demagogue ‘President,’ crashing and burning like the Hindenburg—are feeling the hair rise on the back of their necks!

Relax, mostly White Anglo-Saxon-Protestant (WASP) top 5-percenter Haves. We have a Constitutional Republic, where revolutions can be bloodless. Your idiot has awakened the sleeping masses in America, exposing the rapacious greed and moral bankruptcy of your Social Class, and your Lackeys, the Republican Party. His lunatic shrinking minority base is no protection. We the People, 67% and growing daily, in open resistance and opposition to Trump and his Republican enablers in the Congress, will precipitate the needed Revolution, first in the 2018 midterm elections and every election thereafter. Spend all you want, in unlimited and anonymous contributions, to attempt to buy the election, exploiting the fear, hate, and willful ignorance of less educated Americans. It isn’t working, and will not work. Your upward mobility myth is exposed; your unwarranted and unjust dominance and privilege are coming to an end. You had to push it too far: now Reap the Whirlwind. It will feel like oppression, but We the People will simply vote your protectors and enablers out of office, and then deal first with Trump, and then with you and your obscene wealth. Not with clubs and torches, but with steep, progressive, and just, new inheritance and income taxation laws. And not forever, only as long as it takes to restore levels of wealth and income distributions to sustainable levels in a functional and viable democracy.

As you ponder your options, keep in mind that those who make peaceful change impossible, make violent change inevitable. Give it up, voluntarily. You know it is past time. You had a great run, but in this Universe, all things end…

The End of the So-Called Era of Trump: An American Renaissance

Russian Revolution –

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