Friday, August 31, 2018

The Already Minority Republican Party’s Shrinking Numbers

The modern Republican Party—for decades a diverse, rational, pro-business / low taxes / economic growth / capitalism and anti-communist loyal opposition minority party—has in recent decades, starting with Reagan in the 1980s, become the Party of (mostly older male) Whites, the Filthy Rich, Corporate America, White Evangelical ‘Christians’ and other Culture warriors, and disaffected working-class people duped into voting against their economic self-interest. Under Trump, Republicans have become not just the lackeys of the Filthy Rich and Corporate America, but also the Party of racist and xenophobic fearful, hateful, willfully ignorant and easily exploited low-education “Middle America” rural voters, but also the Alt-Right, Religious Right and Far Right. It is now the opportunist and morally bankrupt Party that refuses to stand up to Trump, a misogynistic treasonous lunatic demagogue, even as he attacks vital American institutions—like our Intelligence Community and FBI, the Free Press, and anyone or anything that stands in his way, NATO and our decades-long Western allies. A mental and emotional cripple who displays outrageous behavior that violates all standards of presidential behavior or even human decency and sucks up to despots like North Korea’s Kim Jong-un and Putin, leader of Russia, a dangerous adversary.

Trump envies despots and has a toddler’s fascination with authoritarian “strong men” and the military. He is a reckless emotional and mental cripple incapable of leading our Nation. He continues to divide America, feeding his lunatic minority Trump Cult base, in a desperate attempt to cling to power.

The good news is, Trump’s racist Make America Great [White] Again efforts notwithstanding, the future is already here. The demographics of Republicans in general, and Trump in particular, are well established. And their support comes from declining segments of America...

See the entire document: The Already Minority Republican Party’s Shrinking Numbers

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