How We Got Here
Liberals like me—a trained Social Psychologist, President Obama—the whitest and safest black
man in America and a very smart and accomplished guy, and Hillary Clinton—a
woman too smart and arrogant for her own good, have repeatedly underestimated
the power of hate, fear, and willful
ignorance for a significant minority
of the electorate. A fat, lazy, ignorant, angry disaffected and racist minority
made Trump’s electoral college ‘win’ possible. Donald Trump defeated a flawed,
arrogant, out of touch Democrat who, like Michael Dukakis versus George H. Bush
(1988), and John Kerry and Al Gore versus George “W” Bush (2000 and 2004) before
her, assumed the American people would make a rational, informed choice for
President in 2016.
We can still stop this madness, but not with intellectual or moral arguments, 21-point platforms, reaching
out to idiots, moving to ‘the Center’, playing it safe or being civil. This is
a War
Republicans have been fighting and winning for
decades. We have been bringing intellect, knowledge, and moral appeals to a
knife fight with evil, well-funded, morally bankrupt monsters who see power
and winning as the only thing that
matters, effectively appealing to the basest aspects of human nature.
Trump is a corrupt malignant
narcissist and demagogue. His
presidency is unprecedented. He represents a threat to our Nation that cannot
be overestimated. He is not a stable genius.
He is not a populist. He is not a White Savior who can Make America
White Again. He is not a successful
businessman or self-made man. Trump is a fraud, a con artist, a mental and emotional cripple.
Trump has unmasked the face of the Filthy Rich and Corporate
America—concerned only with satisfying their rapacious greed and gaining and
keeping political power at any and all
costs. They have: (1) created a fake Culture War with values they personally
mock, to appeal to White Evangelical ‘Christians’; (2) used hate and fear to demonize
“the other” to appeal to bigots; (3) destroyed labor unions that defend workers;
and (4) deliberately created a ‘winner take all’ economy to increase the insecurity
of low-education working people—the very people they have exploited for profits
and their gain. They have demonized programs for the common good like the Affordable Care Act, Social Security and
Medicare as socialism, and demonized out
groups, faceless ‘elites’ and bureaucrats to focus appropriate rage away from
themselves. Trump has revealed the moral bankruptcy of the Filthy Rich and
Corporate America. As a demagogue, he
has effectively exploited and continues to exploit his hateful, fearful, and willfully
ignorant authoritarian core minority
While the Democratic
National Committee and Democratic operatives were obsessed with winning
presidential elections and keeping abortion legal, for decades, the Republicans have been executing a deliberate plan: systematically buying Governor seats and State Houses on the cheap, creating gerrymandered districts so even as they
lose the popular vote in a State, they win most of the seats in the House of
Representatives and State House majorities.
The culmination of all of this is Donald Trump, a dangerous mental and emotional cripple, in the
White House, and a majority in Congress to enact a Republican Tax Reform fraud
in 2017, passed with no Democratic support, and the confirmation of
Brett Kavanaugh, with just one Democratic vote.
How Do We Fix This?
I used the term man up
deliberately in the title for the benefit of women. We are way past political correctness or doctrinaire feminism. We are in a
war for the very survival of an America that was, until the ‘election’ of this reactionary demagogue, well on its way
to an inclusive, diverse, more just and equitable America, no longer dominated
by the Filthy Rich, Corporations and White Men. To deal with this clear and
present danger, we will have to abandon the luxury of dissension and infighting.
We are no longer men or women, White or People of Color, White Collar
professional or Blue-Collar worker, Hillary or Bernie supporter, or political socialists,
liberals, progressives, moderates, or centrists. We are Democrats. Not the weak, fragmented, easily distracted, quarrelsome
Democrats. We must become New Warrior
Democrats; unified freedom fighters in The Resistance to defeat the
darkness, madness, and evil that has arisen.

If we cannot convince poor people, working people, people of
color, women, LGBTQ people, Hispanics, Students, immigrant citizens and second
and third generation hyphenated Americans, Independents and Disaffected Voters
to register and vote for Democrats like,
forgive the expression, Republicans
do for their Party, we deserve to fail to regain power, and the America we
cherish deserves to die.
I believe the stakes are this high. Hitler could have been
stopped if the German people had woken up and realized the threat he posed,
instead of dismissing him and his Brown Shirts minority. The breach Trump has
exploited and inflamed may already be so great that only a second Civil War or
the voluntary secession of the reddest States can close it. But Trump and his
Republican enablers must be stopped now.
How and when we deal with his irreconcilable Trump Cult lunatic minority core base—the malignant cancer on the body politic he has brought into the light—can
be addressed after Trump is dealt
with. A Democratic majority in the Congress should act to reestablish the Rule
of Law and remove Trump from office in disgrace for his many high crimes and misdemeanors
in 2019. Failing that, we must neutralize him and his administration until the
2020 presidential election when We the
People can reject and defeat him through the ballot box.
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