Friday, December 21, 2018

The Last Two Adults in the White House are Resigning

Chief of Staff John Kelly announced his resignation earlier this month. Defense Secretary James Mattis announced his resignation yesterday. With their departure, the last adults standing between our corrupt malignant narcissist demagogue ‘President’ and our Nation and Planet will be gone. At least Mattis left a blistering resignation letter. Hopefully he and Kelly will soon start publicly calling for their unfit to serve mental and emotional cripple boss’ removal from office. Soon Trump will only be surrounded by sycophants who will not speak truth to this lunatic.

All of this, in the face of a report on the massive and ongoing efforts by Russia to interfere in the 2016 Presidential Election and since.

“Russia’s disinformation campaign during and after the 2016 presidential election touched nearly every top social media platform as it sought to sway U.S. voters, according to a pair of reports prepared for the Senate Intelligence Committee that offer the most detailed look yet at the Kremlin's interference effort.

The reports, commissioned by Senate Intelligence leaders, shed light on the breadth of the Russian strategy, which included posting content on not only Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, but also Instagram, Reddit, Tumblr and Pinterest. The findings corroborate the conclusions of special counsel Robert Mueller's team that Russia carried out a long-term, comprehensive effort to sow political divisions in the U.S., including over racial issues — but in some ways find it was even more sweeping than Mueller has portrayed it.

Russian influence operations extended well beyond the presidential race and into the 2018 election cycle, the researchers found, with Kremlin-linked trolls consistently pushing narratives supportive of President Donald Trump and critical of impeachment talk. And as the major tech companies moved to curb the spread of online disinformation after 2016, the trolls evolved their strategies and shifted their resources to other platforms…

‘The goals of active measures are to undermine citizens’ trust in government, exploit societal fractures, create distrust in the information environment, blur the lines between reality and fiction, undermine trust among communities, and erode confidence in the democratic process,’ according to one of the reports by the research firm New Knowledge. ‘This campaign pursued all of those objectives with skill and precision. The IRA exploited divisions in our society using vulnerabilities in our information ecosystem.’ …”

The question now is how long will it take for Republicans in the House and Senate to realize that they must regain their senses, join Democrats and remove Trump from office in disgrace? Whenever they finally do, it may be too late to save the opportunistic and morally bankrupt Republican Party, which has enabled this lunatic, but at least they can redeem their souls.

“WASHINGTON — President Trump said on Saturday that his chief of staff, John F. Kelly, would step down by the end of the year, the latest move in a long-planned staff shake-up as the president heads into the 2020 campaign facing growing peril from the special counsel and newly empowered Democrats.

The departure of Mr. Kelly, who had been brought in last year to impose order on the West Wing but found managing Mr. Trump an impossible task, had been rumored for months, and Mr. Trump announced it to reporters before departing for the Army-Navy football game in Philadelphia. He said a replacement would be named in the next day or two…”

“Washington (CNN) Shaken, disappointed, saddened and scared -- those were just some of the reactions in a bipartisan outpouring of shock and concern as lawmakers reacted Thursday to the news that Defense Secretary James Mattis had resigned over President Donald Trump's policy decisions.

‘Just read Gen. Mattis resignation letter,’ Republican Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida tweeted. ‘It makes it abundantly clear that we are headed towards a series of grave policy errors which will endanger our nation, damage our alliances & empower our adversaries.’

‘This chaos, Ohio Republican Gov. John Kasich said on Twitter, "both foreign and domestic, is putting America in danger and must stop immediately’ " …

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