Normally, I'd wait more than three days to update my blog. But yesterday's awesome Trump/Ryan victory, "destroying Obamacare" as Herr Drumpf thundered after the devastating 217 vote "victory"--over the 213 vote "defeat"; with 20 Republicans joining all Democrats in opposition, and Republicans jockeying to see who would "drink the cool aide" and sacrifice their seat in 2018 to put the meaningless Bill over the top with a 2 vote "majority". Although it is the lunatic-Right Wing Republican-dominated House Bill, not the ACA, that is "dead" [on arrival in the Senate, which is a functioning deliberative body and will never pass it], Trump and his trained monkey, Speaker Paul Ryan, are beside themselves with televised self-congratulatory mutual masturbation. That Ryan--who will become President, as soon as Trump is removed in disgrace, and Pence allowed to resign, from Office--should start acting Presidential now, and get ahead of the curse, is apparently another lost opportunity on his part.
This crushing "defeat" for my Party and the Forces of Reason, Goodness, and Light, at the hands of the "victorious" Forces of Ignorance, Evil, and Darkness, deserves a separate post, with a thoughtful link to the great, fair, and balanced, objective reporting by CNN, and a definitely NSFW Rant by me, this time in an audio, not video piece.
CNN link:
My awesome, NSFW Republican American Health Care Act RANT:
My most recent rant, analysis of the current Healthcare delivery system "Debate" and a final solution:
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