Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Trump at 100 Days

[If you're pressed for time and/or are tired of all the intellectual bullshit, including mine, as America dies, skip to the end and just listen to my Rant audio.]

First, Respect and New Odds

Incredible, the Idiot-in-Chief is still in Office and has the undying support of his original 35% lunatic fringe voters. That is incredible. First casualty: My Trump Impeachment Clock 20170503 – set back to fifteen minutes to midnight (11:45 pm). Unfortunately, he’s not going anywhere, anytime soon…

My New Odds: 

Trump blows up the Planet before he is forcibly removed from Office: 1 in 10

Trump still in office at Day 200: 1 in 4

Trump still in office in time for the 2018 Republican Blood Bath Elections: 1 in 10

Trump serves his entire four year term: 1 in 100

Trump is re-elected in 2020: 1 in 1000

Quick Summary:

A mostly failed first 100 days, but Trump’s lunatic supporters are inexplicably holding tight. Still he cannot govern the Nation with a dedicated minority of supporters beyond all reason. With a Republican Party shamelessly drunk with power, and a gutless Democratic Party afraid to start to take Trump down on their own, there’s no prospect of his removal from office any time soon…

The Latest Gallup Tracking poll:

Robert Reich's six signs of willful ignorance:

My friend, James Barrett, posted a picture of Trump on FB last week. Apparently I can't post it here, but imagine a hateful photo of Trump at a rally [one of 10s of thousands] and see my comments…

[Imagined hateful picture goes here]

Andrew Schettino That hateful idiot is trapped in that life, sad...

Andrew Schettino Imagine what his psychic world must be like--a living hell with winners and losers, killers and victims. He must know that it is obvious that he is a LOSER and helpless VICTIM--raised by an insane father and a mother he never mentions... obsessed with winning and killing...

The Media Consensus

The Media Consensus Take on Trump’s first 100 days: An unqualified failure. The sub-context: Trump is a delusional lying piece of shit. Here’s a sampling:

The Economist: Donald Trump’s first 100 days

The Cato Institute: 100 Days in, Trump Has Already Learned the Seductions of Foreign War

The New York Times: Fact Check: Trump’s Account of His First 100 Days in Office

The Washington Post: President Trump’s first 100 days: The fact check tally

NPR: Five Debaters. Four Debates. Trump's First 100 Days

CNN: First 100 Days

NASA article grading Trump’s first 100 days: The First 100 Days: What Trump Has Done on Space So Far from a number of actual experts in the associated fields, as opposed to fake "experts" paid by Trump, his lackeys, or some secretly funded pro-Trump group:

Climate Change: F [three votes]. Coal: F [two votes]; D [one vote]. Health Care: F [three votes]; D [1 vote]. Opioids: A [one vote]. Space: Incomplete [one vote]; Pass (as in Pass/Fail) [several with qualification]. Endangered species: Incomplete [two votes]. Women's health: F [two votes]. Oil: D [one vote].

Daddy’s Contribution to The Donald’s Personality

What a Prince of a guy. You gotta be pretty damn EVIL to tell your mentally disturbed son he's a Killa and  a Winna, when you know he's just a little piece of SHIT, like his daddy...

My Take on this Mess, and a Really Awesome Personal Rant Audio Link

Unlike Trump—who, did I mention, is seriously mentally disturbed—I do not claim to be The Messenger, delivering The Message. I am, however a messenger—with a profound, reason-based Faith in Secular Humanism, Cosmic Consciousness and Cosmic Evolution [see update at end of Another Time and Place, link below]—and I do have a message. It is a message The Universe has been consistently delivering to our humble hominid species for about two-hundred millennia, through greater and lesser prophets, beginning with our Hunter and Gatherer pagan ancestors painting on Cave Walls, with their reverence for the Natural World and understanding of their being an undifferentiated part of it. [See Another Time and Place.]

There is a growing chorus of thoughtful discourse that asserts that Donald Trump must and will be removed from office. [See HOW TRUMP COULD GET FIRED for a particularly well written piece in The New Yorker. But if, like me, you’re sick of: (1) my efforts; (2) those of my gutless Democrats and a handful of courageous Republicans [see Five Republicans who could buck Trump in 2017]; (3) the main-stream not crazy National News Print, Radio, and TV media [ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, The Washington Post, and all other respectable news organizations]; and (4) widely recognized and vetted national and international Opinion Leaders [see Fourth Estate], to oppose the Trump Administration and Republican majority in Congress with reasoned intellectual discourse—an obviously ineffective bullshit approach Trump and his supporters are immune to, listen to My Trump @ 100 Days Rant audio [with apologies to my bi-sexual friends, having missed the “B” of LGBT in my Rant, and any other demonized target presumed Out Group I did not explicitly name]. Crazy Republicans and their insane “leader” do not have a monopoly on The Flag, Patriotism, or rage. I too can bring the Rage

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