Trump has brought the Nation to the brink of a second Civil War. He has made himself illegitimate by his actions and words.
Not just the Nation, but his own Administration members are in complete revolt.
“Trump quietly growing irritated with some officials: report”
His profound mental
illness is becoming impossible to ignore, even for his apologists and
enablers. His lunatic base is eroding, as opposition hardens. The most recent
Gallup tracking poll data:
The question is no longer if, but when, Speaker
Ryan will cut his losses, try to save the Republican Party, and move forward
with Impeachment.
The Senate is likely ready to Convict right now, as Trump continues his attacks on his own
Republican-controlled Senate. House Republicans in less safe gerrymandered Congressional
Districts are already abandoning him. Those in safer, but not bullet-proof Districts are beginning to waiver. As more
pragmatic and less crazy members of his lunatic base realize that his campaign
promises are going nowhere in the Senate, they too are abandoning him.
This ‘President’ is wrong
about Climate Science [].
Much of his lunatic core “base,” who’s irrational hatreds, fears, and willful
ignorance on Immigration and economic displacement continue to be fed by this ‘President,’
are wrong [].
The views of the lunatic White
Evangelical Christian component of his base are wrong about Evolution, as all the Life Sciences,
particularly genomic science, confirm
the indisputable proof of this “Theory”; wrong
about the Cosmos as cosmologists confirm the indisputable proof of the Big Bang
“Theory” and almost 14 billion year history of the Universe; wrong about our rise and existence as an
evolved hominid, not the Creation of a absurdly presumed Patriarchal God; and wrong about the superiority of Whites in general and WASPs in particular. The
views of this wing, his lunatic Freedom Caucus wing, and other haters of
Liberalism and Secular Humanism, and worshipers of Capitalism, are wrong that all of America’s ills are the
fault of these scapegoats, and can be cured by a magical and mythic Free
Market. Trump and his 35% base are wrong
about Patriotism and loyalty to America; peaceful massive resistance
to his agenda; diversity, inclusion, and the very meaning of our Nation. The alternative
reality bubble Trump and his lunatic base inhabit continues to shrink in
the face of actual reality.
Under siege from all sides, with investigations closing in,
Trump is becoming more erratic and unstable,
just as mental health professionals predicted he would. Meanwhile, his rhetoric
and that of his core base becomes more strident and defiant, threatening a second Civil War. Once Impeached and Convicted, he may even attempt to
enlist the Military—the object of his toddler’s fantasy admiration—to cling to power; a move that will fail
as our Military Leaders are sworn to protect and defend our Nation, not
a rogue lunatic Commander-in-Chief.
As the Nation and World endure more insane tweets, public outrages,
and threats of “Fire and Fury,” Trump’s survival in Office until the 2020 Presidential
Election becomes less tenable. To give their Party a chance to recover from
this abomination, Republicans must become the Patriots they imagine themselves
to be and remove this sick monster from Office, the sooner the better. It may
already be too late, but if they wait until the 2018 mid-terms, only fourteen
months away, they will not only lose their majority in the House, they
will forfeit any claim to be a majority Party in the future.
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